Sunday, October 16, 2011

First EVER book review coming up later...

I said that I would convert this blog as a  book review site but I never posted any reviews so I'll start tonight.

First would be one of my favourite book, The Mermaids Singing by Lisa Carey.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Hunger Games dip (

So everyone is posting their DIPs so I thought of posting it here instead of posting it in my personal blog.

So I just type wherever location I could think of. (That explains why it's UK. I typed Narnia first though).

But I am kinda disappointed on how the district placements were conducted. It was TOO random.

Unlike on Pottermore, where there are a series of questions to verify your house (I'm a proud Gryffindor btw)  and cause a lot of identity crisis, Evanna Lynch anyone? I heard a lot of fans complain about the system as this one just place you randomly. The Capitol could have added this little tiny bit of interactive quiz that would place you in a district you are more suitable of. This method would not satisfy everyone but at least they have a basis on where to put you.

Hopefully they would add more features as the movie gets nearer.

So what do you think about the site?